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Tuesday, November 4, 2014


03.11.2013. sam snimila, editovala i postavila svoj prvi video na YouTube...
Ne mogu da vjerujem da je vec toliko vremena proslo, jer se meni cini kao da je to bilo sasvim nedavno. Jedno je sigurno, to mi je licno jedna od najdrazih odluka u cijelom zivotu! Mislila sam da ce biti zabavno, ali stvarno nisam ocekivala sve lijepo sto mi je pokretanje kanala donijelo u poslijednjih godinu dana. Upoznala sam predivne djevojke sirom citavog svijeta, pronasla mnostvo novih zanimljivih kanala da vjerno pratim, ostvarila prijateljstva i razne saradnje. Sa druge strane, dosta sam toga naucila sto se tice snimanja videa, od rasvjete do DSLR kamera i koristenja istih sa manuelnim postavkama, editovanja da sve bude onako kako sam zamislila, koristenja socijalnih mreza ne samo za licne stvari vec i za marketing svog video materijala...

On November 3rd, 2013, I recorded, edited, and uploaded my first video on YouTube...
I can't believe so much time has already passed, because to me, it seems like it all started very recently. One thing is for sure, this is one of my favorite decisions I've ever made in my entire life! I thought that it would be fun, but what I really didn't expect was all the wonderful things that came along during this past year with starting my channel. I've met amazing girls from all over the world, found so many new interesting channels to loyally follow, made friendships and engaged in collaborations. On the other hand, I've learned so much about recording videos; from lighting to DSLR cameras and how to use them on the manual setting, editing so that it all comes together like I imagined, using social media not only for personal things but as a marketing strategy for my video material... 


Da budem iskrena, nisam ocekivala ni to da ono sto radim bude pozitivno prihvaceno. Mislim da svi koji dolaze iz ove sredine inace u zivotu rade stvari sa jednom dozom sumnje i straha izazvanim mogucom reakcijom ljudi koje poznajemo. Jako mi je drago da sam sve te neke stvari samo odlucila zaboraviti i krenuti u svoju pustolovinu. S obzirom na to da sam stvarno mogla puno vise videa izbaciti za ovu godinu, jer trenutno imam samo 32, tako sam ponosna i sretna zbog statistike svog malog kanala. Nisam ocekivala da cu imati skoro 2000 pretplatnika i preko 100,000 pregleda... Nekome se to moze ciniti kao nista, ali to je za mene jako velika stvar! Pogotovo i uprkos tome sto bas i nisam ulozila 100% truda. Isto tako ne mogu da vjerujem da sam uspjela i nesto zaraditi radeci ono u cemu uzivam i sto volim. Iako je stvarno mala svota novca, bila sam tako sretna da sam zaradila nesto sasvim sama, sto je isto nova stvar za mene.

To be honest, I didn't expect to have such a positive response to what I do. I think that everyone who comes from my background does everything in life with a certain dose of doubt and fear, caused by the possible reaction of the people we know. I'm so glad that I chose to just forget about those things and go on my little adventure. Keeping in mind that I really could have uploaded many more videos in this timeframe, because I only have 32, I'm so proud and happy with the statistics on my little channel. I didn't expect to have almost 2000 subscribers and over 100,000 views... To some people, this may be nothing, but to me it's a big deal! Especially since I haven't given this 100% of my effort. I also can't believe that I've managed to actually earn some money doing something I enjoy and love. Even though it's such a small amount, I was so happy to earn something all on my own, which was also a new thing for me.

Moju zanimaciju ne drze stvari pretjerano dugo, a nakon godinu dana u svijetu YouTube-a mogu slobodno reci da ne zelim da prestanem jos jako dugo vremena. Ono cemu zelim da se posvetim u ovoj narednoj godini je da izbacim puno vise materijala nego do sad. U tom duhu, odlucila sam da pocnem odmah i dam svoj maksimum da u Novembru postavim 8 videa na svoj kanal! A mozda se ubuduce nadje i koji vlog medju ostalim videima...

Things don't hold my interest for too long, and after a year in the world of YouTube I can surely say that I don't want to stop doing this for a long time. What I want to work on in this next year is getting out a lot more content than I have by now. In that spirit, I've decided to start right away and do my best to upload 8 videos in November! And maybe in the future there will also be some vlogs among the other videos...

Za kraj samo zelim da kazem da nikada nije kasno pretvoriti strah i nesigurnost u gorivo za lijepe stvari u zivotu. Svima koji su me gledali i podrzavali zelim da kazem jedno veliko hvala od srca! Ucinili ste ovu godinu tako posebnom i nadam se da cemo se i dalje druziti.

To wrap this up I just want to say that it's never too late to turn fear and insecurity into fuel for beautiful things in life. To all of you who have watched and supported me, I just want to say a big thank you from the heart! You've made this year so special and I hope we can continue in that spirit.

P.S. Ako imate bilo kakvih pitanja vezano za ovu temu, slobodno pitajte u komentarima, a ja cu se potruditi da odgovorim najbolje kako znam!

P.S. If you have any questions about anything related to the topic, feel free to ask in the comments and I'll do my best to answer as well as I can!


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