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About me:

[Scroll to the bottom for English]

U slucaju da ne znate, zovem se Zerina. 
Rodjena sam davne 1991. godine, cetvrte veceri snijeznog Sarajevskog januara. Iako nisam neki poklonik horoskopa, moram priznati da ja ipak jesam pravi jarac. Imala sam dosta zanimljiv zivot u ovih dvadeset i nesto proteklih godina. Mozda nekome zvuci glupo, ali ja uvijek volim da napomenem da sam bila tu za vrijeme rata i tek naknadno zivjela na raznim mjestima po svijetu. Cisto da ne dodje do zabune jer smatram da je to iskustvo dosta utjecalo na moje poglede i osobine.

Sa 6 godina sam preletjela preko okeana i krenula u prvi razred u Virginiji. Nakon samo 2 godine, vracam se u Sarajevo i nikada to necu prezaliti. Ovdje me je docekalo svasta, izmedju ostalog 5 razlicitih adresa prebivalista i 4 promjene osnovne skole radi toga. Nisam nikad imala priliku negdje ostati dovoljno dugo da ostvarim ta neka trajna prijateljstva. Nakon prvog razreda srednje skole, koja meni nije bila nocna mora, koferi se opet pakuju i idem u Baku, Azerbejdzan za koji sam tad prvi put i cula. Ni tu nisam ostala dugo, vratih se opet u Sarajevo koje mi ocito ne da dozvoljava da uspjesno pobjegnem zbog porodicne tragedije (nije niko umro, ali zamalo), sto znaci upis u trecu srednju skolu. Na trecoj godini fakulteta odlazim u Prag, najlijepsi grad na cijelom svijetu i prebacujem se na studij medjunarodnih odnosa, koji sam uspjesno i u roku zavrsila.

Prag me apsolutno opcinio. Jedino je mjesto gdje bih se sa osmijehom na licu ponovo vratila i ostala zauvijek. Naravno, opet sam se vratila... I tu pocinje pravo depresivno poglavlje mog zivota u koje necu da ulazim jer svi koji zive ovdje znaju kako je naprosto divno biti mlad i obrazovan, a zivjeti u Bosni. Svijetla tacka je to da sam zapocela hobi snimanja videa na svom kanalu, i povremeno pisanje na ovom blogu. Stvorila sam sama sebi neku obavezu jer bih se inace mogla pozdraviti sa razumom da sam nastavila samo postojati.

Hvala na citanju moje mini biografije. Umorila sam se od brojanja obrazovnih institucija i raznih stanova, a vjerujem da ste i vi, tako da necu vise da duzim.

In case you don't know, my name is Zerina.
I was born in distant 1991, on the fourth night of a snowy January in Sarajevo. Although I don't really believe in horoscopes, I have to admit that I'm a textbook Capricorn. I've had a pretty interesting life so far in these twenty-something years that I've been living it. Maybe this sounds silly, but I always like to mention that I was here during the war and only after it did I start moving around different places in the world. Just so there's no confusion, since I see that experience as something that's had a huge impact on my views and personality.

At 6 years old I flew across the ocean and started first grade in Virginia. After only two years, I'm back here in Sarajevo and I'm never going to get over that. A lot of things were waiting for me here, including 5 different addresses and changing 4 schools by the time high school started. I've never had a chance to stay somewhere long enough to develop those long-term friendships. After my freshman year of high school, which wasn't a nightmare for me at all, suitcases are being packed again and I'm headed for Baku, Azerbaijan for which I've only then heard. Didn't stay there long either and I came back to Sarajevo that obviously isn't letting me escape it successfully, due to a family tragedy (no one died, but they almost did). This means I got to go to a third high school. My junior year of university I went to Prague, the most beautiful city in the entire world. I transferred there and majored in International Relations, which I've completed successfully.

Prague completely enchanted me. It's the only place to which I'd return with a big smile on my face, and stay there forever.  Of course, I came back again... And that's where the really depressing chapter of my life starts. I don't want to get into it though because everyone who's from around here knows how simply "wonderful" it is to be young and educated, while living in Bosnia. The highlight of this is that I started a new hobby and began posting videos on my YouTube channel, and also blogging occasionally. I created something to do, because if I had just continued existing, I would've gone mad.

Thanks for reading my mini biography. I got tired from counting all the schools and addresses I've changed over the years, and I'm sure you did as well so I won't make this any longer.

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