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Monday, August 29, 2016

An Open Letter to the Girls of the 21st Century // Otvoreno pismo djevojkama 21. stoljeća

Dear girls of the 21st century,

I often think about the fact that our collective value system is completely disrupted and wrong. There are more problems than there are solutions, but today I'm focusing on a pretty controversial topic among the female population.

Ever since we were children, we've been taught that beauty is pain. At least that's what my mother told me while she was trying to manage my tangled hair. Of course, she'd been told the same thing. Those words have crossed my mind countless times since then -- every appointment at the orthodontist while he tightened the wires on my braces so I could have the perfect smile; every day of high school while I was being bullied because of it; every time I pluck my eyebrows or go get waxed so I could be smooth for someone; every workout at the gym when I feel like my legs have turned to jelly from fatigue; every night out in high heels that no one can even see under the table. I could keep listing things until late into the night! Alright, all of this is a normal part of growing up as a girl. However, lately, the boundary has been so far crossed that everything has been turned upside down - important things became trivial, and rubbish has become a way of life. How can you let this happen?

I can't entirely fault you - it's all that's been promoted and placed as valuable in the past few years. As long as socialites and plastic are idols, we won't go far, that's for sure. I remember, not that long ago, that we had a grave issue with the way that women were advertised as nothing but flesh in music videos of American rappers. When and how did this become the way you girls treat yourselves? I see your Facebook and Instagram posts. I get goosebumps, and not in a good way, when I think of the fact that you're all still little girls, yet you long so hard to mature - not intellectually, but sexually. I'm speaking as I would with my own sister. Having a huge bottom so you can flaunt it on social media should not be someone's main priority in life!

Through the current trends, I've grown to hate what I used to love so much. I wrote and filmed videos about beauty, about make up, because I enjoy it. For me, it's a form of anti-stress therapy. It's not so I could look like a completely different person, not to sell myself as something I'm not, and definitely not so I could con a man into liking me, but simply because it's also a form of art and creative expression. Then I came to realize that I don't fit into what's trending. Unfortunately, this shook even my own confidence, and I'm a woman of almost 26 years of age. I've never had an issue with the way I look, and all of a sudden I'm in front of the mirror and I don't like what I see, I'm not "in". My lips aren't large enough, my eyelashes are too short, this sort-of-double chin is pissing me off, my eyelids are droopy, my breasts are small... I've let myself be discouraged by the fact that I'm not someone's copy. This is why I said I can't fault you entirely. It's everyone's fault. It's my fault as well, because I've waited this long to publicly advocate all of your originality and real values. The world doesn't need an unlimited supply of Kim Kardashian copies. More importantly, you as young women don't need to be anything else but yourselves.

I want you to realize that you are not in competition with each other. I want to see honest smiles on photos, not puckered lips. I want you to create memories that will last you a lifetime, to go find yourselves, to learn who you really are behind those walls and masks. I want you to be proud of who you are without needing anyone's approval. I want you to treat yourselves with the utmost respect and cross out anyone who doesn't understand your value from your lives. I wish you love and for them to love you for who you are inside, instead of using you because a half-naked body is all you advertise on your profiles. Also, I want you to be able to recognize what really matters in other people and pick your surroundings based on that. Material things matter deeply to shallow people only. Be bold enough to feel someone's soul, instead of peeking into their wallet. In the end, it takes a courageous woman to be vulnerable and truly alive.

You have the right to get angry at me, but enough with the fake and the twisted priorities!

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Drage djevojke 21. stoljeća,

Često razmišljam o činjenici da je naš kolektivni sistem vrijednosti u potpunosti narušen i pogrešan. Problema ima više nego rješenja, ali danas ću se fokusirati na jednu poprilično kontroverznu temu među ženskom populacijom. 

Još od malih nogu, uče nas da je ljepota bolna. Bar je meni to mama govorila dok je pokušavala izaći na kraj sa mojom zamršenom kosom. Naravno, istu stvar su govorili i njoj. Te riječi su mi pale na pamet mali million puta od tad – svaki termin kod ortodonta dok mi zateže žice od aparatića da bih imala savršen osmjeh; svaki dan srednje škole dok su me ismijavali zbog istog; svaki put kada sređujem obrve ili idem na depilaciju da bih nekome bila glatka; svaki trening u teretani kada imam osjećaj da su mi se noge pretvorile u žele od umora; svaki noćni izlazak proveden u štiklama koje se svakako ne vide jer niko ne gleda ispod stola. Mogla bih nabrajati do sitno u noć! Uredu, sve je to neki normalni dio odrastanja jedne mlade žene. Međutim, u zadnje vrijeme se granica toliko prevazišla da se sve okrenulo naopačke – bitne stvari su postale nebitne, a gluposti su postale način života. Kako to dopuštate? 

Ne mogu u potpunosti da vas krivim – ipak je to sve što se promoviše i plasira kao vrijedno zadnjih nekoliko godina. Sve dok su idoli starlete i plastika, nećemo daleko dogurati, to je sigurno. Sjećam se, ne tako davno, da smo kao spol imale veliki problem sa tim što se žene u spotovima američkih repera reklamiraju kao meso. Kako i kada je postalo prihvatljivo da same sebe tretirate na taj način? Vidim vam statuse na Facebooku i fotografije na Instagramu. Jeza me prođe kada shvatim da ste još curice, a da toliko žurite da odrastete – ne intelektualno, već seksualno. Pričam kao što bih pričala sa svojom sestrom. Imati veliku stražnjicu da bi je eksponirale na društvenim mrežama za lajkove ne bi trebalo da je nekome glavni prioritet u životu! 

Kroz današnje trendove, zamrzila sam nešto što sam jako voljela. Pisala sam i snimala o ljepoti, o šminkanju, jer uživam u tome. Za mene je to vid anti-stres terapije. Ne da bih izgledala kao potpuno drugačija osoba na kraju procesa, ne da bih se nekome prodala da sam nešto što nisam, ne da bih se krila iza maske, a definitivno ne da bih na foru upecala frajera, već jednostavno zato što je i to vid umjetnosti, način kreativnog izražavanja. 

Onda sam shvatila da se ne uklapam u to što je danas moderno. Na žalost, čak i mene, ženu od skoro 26 godina je to poljuljalo. Nikada nisam imala problem sa svojim izgledom, a odjednom se nađem ispred ogledala i ne sviđa mi se to što vidim, nisam u prokletom trendu. Usne mi nisu dovoljno velike, trepavice su mi kratke, nervira me podbradak, kapci su mi spušteni, grudi su mi male… Dopustila sam sebi da me na trenutak obori to što nisam nečija kopija. Zato kažem, niste krive samo vi. Krivi smo svi. Kriva sam ja, što tek sad koristim priliku da se javno zalažem za sve naše orginale i prave vrijednosti. Svijetu ne treba gomila preslikane Kim Kardashian, a što je još važnije, vama kao ženama ne treba da budete išta osim vas samih. 

Želim vam da shvatite da niste jedna drugoj konkurencija. Želim da vidim iskrene osmjehe na fotografijama, a ne napućene usne. Želim da stvarate uspomene za čitav život, da se pronalazite, da spoznate ko ste u suštini iza tih zidova i fasada. Želim da budete ponosne na to što jeste i da vam ne treba ničije odobrenje. Želim da se odnosite prema sebi sa najviše poštovanja, a da iz života izbacite svakoga ko ne razumije vašu vrijednost. Želim vam ljubav i da lude za vama zbog toga ko ste iznutra, a ne da vas koriste jer je polugolo tijelo sve što reklamirate na svojim profilima. Isto tako vam želim da budete u mogućnosti da spoznate prave vrijednosti kod drugih i po tome birate svoje okruženje. Materijalne stvari imaju veliku važnost samo kod plitkih ljudi. Imajte smjelosti da osjetite nečiju dušu, a ne da gledate u nečiji novčanik. Na kraju krajeva, treba biti hrabra žena da budeš ranjiva i istinski živa. 

Možete se ljutiti na mene, ali dosta lažnjaka i iskrivljenih prioriteta! 

"Ovaj tekst ulazi u izbor najboljih blogova u BiH na takmičenju m:bloger kompanije m:tel"

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Jägermeister // Redesign of Fun 18.08.2016

* Bosnian Only *

Već tri godine prisustvujem ovom partiju i provod uvijek bude nezaboravan. Redesign of Fun je bio nešto malo drugačiji party iz nekoliko razloga: slavio se redizajn Jager flaše, lokacija derneka se promijenila i moja party sister Šljokica je radila na ovom event-u. Ako u Sarajevu postoji a party to be at, to je to. Sigurno znate da ovi derneci funkcionišu na invite-only bazi, a ove godinu se "klalo" za pozivnicu više - trust me. 

Dakle, tema večeri je bila redizajn. Nova boca, nove Jagerette, čak i redizajniran Dom Mladih. Boca je dobila novog jelena - kako kažu iz zastupništva, muževnijeg i zrelijeg. Naša Šljokica je sa svojim timom radila na izgledu Jageretta i odradila je posao sa stilom if you ask me.

Photo Credit:

Da napomenem - mene baš odavno nije nosila blogerska struja, tako da sam zaboravila skroz da trebam uživati na derneku kroz objektiv. Drugim riječima, vratila sam se bez ijedne iskoristive fotografije, ali zato su tu drugi ljudi da se iste preuzmu.

Što se programa tiče, predlažem da skoknete do članka kojeg je objavio Klix, jer tu imaju sve detaljne informacije koje ja ne znam - kao naprimjer ko je bio zaslužan za light show, za catering, za koktele, da se malo pojavio i Tom Novy nakon što sam ja već otišla, itd.

Kako je bilo našem društvu možete pogledati u videu ispod, zahvaljujući Radošu, koji je inače muž od naše crvene kraljice Teky. Sve u svemu, odličan provod! Ostavljam vas sa videom i fotografijama, pa se možda naredne godine vidimo na partiju.

 Photo Credit:

 Photo Credit:

Photo Credit:

Thursday, November 12, 2015

SheIn // Outfit Wish List

Sto se odjece tice, kako se oblacim uveliko zavisi od mog raspolozenja.
Da se ne lazemo, to inace znaci da vise gledam da mi je udobno nego da nesto sad izgleda wow.
Ali, nekad se i potrudim, pa se lijepo osjecam jer sam slatka.
90% vremena sam u crnom, jer je to najbolja boja na svijetu. 
Nisam neko ko pati od trendova, meni je jedino bitno da se meni svidja to sto nosim.

Spremila sam 3 citava outfita sa
Ispod njih su linkovi na svaki komad odjece gdje mozete vidjeti detalje.
Svaki je dobio i naziv, pa mi u komentarima pisite koji vam se najvise dopada.
Meni je naj #2.

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As far as clothes go, what I wear depends mostly on my mood.
Let's be honest, that usually means I go for comfort rather than something that looks wow.
But, sometimes I do put effort into my choices, and then I feel good because I look cute.
90% of the time, I'm in all black, because that's the best color.
I'm not someone who has to follow trends, I just care that I like what I'm wearing.

I prepared 3 whole looks off
Underneath them are the links to each piece of clothing where you can find the details.
Each of the looks got a name, so let me know which one is your favorite.
I love #2.

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A L L - B L A C K - E V E R Y T H I N G

C A R D I G A N -
B O O T S -
S C A R F -

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R A C H E L - M E E T S - T H E - C R A F T

J A C K E T -
S W E A T E R -
S K I R T -
S O C K S -
B O O T S -

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A U T U M - V I B E S

J E A N S -
S W E A T E R -
B O O T S -
P U R S E -
S C A R F -

Sunday, September 27, 2015

INGLOT // AMC Pure Pigment Eyeshadow #85 + Duraline

Nedavno sam se odlucila kupiti svoj prvi Inglot pigment i nakon prve aplikacije mi je zauzeo #1 mjesto sto se tice sjena za oci. Odmah se na prvoj slici primjeti koliko je svestran u zavisnosti od toga kako svjetlo pada na njega. Kupovina u Inglot-u nije mogla proci i bez popularnog Duraline-a, najvise jer me zanimao pigment u punom sjaju. Mislila sam da bi bila super ideja prikazati proizvod na tri razlicita nacina: preko Duraline-a, preko obicne baze za sjene (ja sam koristila Flormar Eye Perfection Primer) i na kraju sam pigment. 

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Recently I decided on my first Inglot pigment purchase, and after just one application it's stolen the #1 spot out of all my eyeshadows. Right away, on the first glance you can notice how versatile this product is and how it beautifully changes color depending on how the light hits it. An Inglot purchase couldn't go down without the infamous Duraline, mostly because I wanted to see my new gorgeous pigment in its full glory. I thought it would be a neat idea to show you three different ways to make use of the AMC Pure Pigment Eyeshadow #85: using Duraline as a base, using a regular primer (in this case, Flormar Eye Perfection Primer), and the pigment on its own.

Bez baze ga je vrlo lako koristiti za njeznije i dnevne look-ve, ali sa bazom je jednostavno prelijep. Najintenzivniji je u tandemu sa Duraline-om i dok vjerovatno ova kombinacija ne odgovara vecini, ja mislim da stvara magiju na kapcima, pogotovo sa toplim nijansama smedje u pregibu. U ovoj kombinaciji prizvod postaje i vodootporan, tako da mozete biti sigurni da nece spasti sa ociju dok ne uklonite sminku. Ono sto me posebno iznenadilo je da se ne rasipa svuda prilikom koristenja, a nanositi se moze kako prstom, tako i sa gustim cetkicama. U teglici dodje 2g proizvoda sto je sasvim dovoljno, ako ne i previse jer je potrebna jako mala kolicina da se prekrije kapak. 

Nemam nista lose reci o ovom proizvodu, tako da sam sigurna da cu polako poceti graditi citavu kolekciju AMC Pure Pigment sjena. Kao i inace, ostavljam vas sa ostatkom fotografija.

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Without a base it's perfect for softer looks during the day, but with the base it's just gorgeous. It's the most intense when used together with the Duraline, and while I'm sure not many people are going to pick that as their favorite combination, I think it created magic on the lids, especially with warmer browns in the crease. This combination will also give you a waterproof mixture, so you can be at ease that your pretty eyeshadow won't budge until you want to remove your make up. What I love about this is that it isn't at all messy, since I thought it would end up all over my face and vanity. Application is easy using either your finger or a densely packed brush. The jar contains .07 OZ of product, which I think is plenty since the smallest amount is required to cover the lid.

I have nothing bad to say about this product, so I'm definitely going to start a whole collection of the AMC Pure Pigment Eyeshadows. Like usual, I'll leave you with the rest of the photos.

Da li ste vi probali neke od AMC Pure Pigment sjena i jeste li podjednako odusevljeni? Koja varijanta od ove tri se vama najvise dopada?
Pisite mi dojmove, jako volim citati vase komentare!

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Have you tried some of the AMC Pure Pigment Eyeshadows and do you love them as much as I do? Which way of wearing them out of the three I showed do you like the most?
Let me know what you think, I love reading your comments!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

ZOEVA // Cocoa Blend

Nedavno sam napokon narucila Zoeva Complete Eye Set za kojim patim vec jako dugo vremena. Isla sam upitnom logikom "kad vec imam para, hajde da ih trosim" i dodala jos dvije palete u korpicu, Cocoa Blend i Rodeo Belle. Moja upitna logika definitivno nije dobro prosla na carini, ali nema veze... Danas vam zelim pokazati Cocoa Blend, kojom sam apsolutno odusevljena!

Inace sam imala velika ocekivanja od brenda opcenito i Zoeva nije razocarala niti najmanje. Sjene su prelijepe, izvanredno pigmentirane i potpuni san za blendanje. Teksturom su jako slicne Make Up Geek sjenama, mada su po mom misljenju ove cak i bolje. Na dodir kao da su kremaste, a to je ono sto meni najvise odgovara i sto povezujem sa visokom kvalitetom.

Cocoa Blend je savrsena za jesen. Paleta je svestrana tako da se moze sa njom kreirati mnostvo dnevnih i vecernjih look-ova. Sadrzi 4 mat nijanse i 6 prelijepih shimmer-a. Naglasavam "prelijepih" jer su inace mat sjene moja slabost, a ove druge bas i ne volim; ali, ove su mi definitivno promijenile misljenje. Ako ste negdje imale priliku vidjeti swatch-eve MUG Foiled sjena, na to me najvise podsjecaju.

Cijena Cocoa Blend palete je 17.50 EUR, sto izadje na manje od 3.50 KM po sjeni. Rekla bih da je ovo sasvim pristojna cijena, a bila bih spremna platiti i vise jer je kvalitet stvarno na zavidnom nivou!
To je sve sto imam reci, pa vas ostavljam sa ostatkom fotografija.

Bitter Start / Sweeter End / Warm Notes / Subtle Blend / Beans are White

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Pure Ganache / Substitute for Love / Freshly Toasted / Infusion / Delicate Acidity

Recently, I finally ordered the Zoeva Complete Eye Set that I've been pining after for a long time now. Since I had some money, figured I'd splurge and add two palettes to my cart as well - Cocoa Blend and Rodeo Belle. Today I want to share my happy thoughts about the Cocoa Blend palette with you guys!

I had high expectations for the entirety of the brand, and let me tell you...Zoeva does not disappoint. The shadows are absolutely beautiful, highly pigmented, and a dream to blend. The texture is very similar to Make Up Geek shadows, but I personally like these even more. They're extremely creamy to the touch, and that's exactly what I look for in a high quality eyeshadow.

Cocoa Blend is perfect for Fall. The palette is versatile so you can create a bunch of different looks for day and night. In it, you can find 4 matte shades and 6 gorgeous shimmers. I say gorgeous because mattes are usually my weakness, while I don't like shadows with any shimmer; but these have stolen my heart. If you've ever seen swatches of the MUG Foiled shadows - that is what they remind me of the most.

The price of the palette is 17.50 EUR, which is less than 2 EUR per shadow. I'd say that's a bargain if I ever saw one. I'd be prepared to pay more because they quality is seriously enviable!
That's all I've got to say, so I'll leave you with the rest of the photos.

Kako se vama cini? Ako vas zanima i Rodeo Belle paleta, rado cu i nju prikazati na isti nacin.
Ili mozda vise zelite citati o Complete Eye setu cetkica? Ostavite mi komentar pa da znam o cemu da pisem slijedeci put. Do tad, hvala na druzenju!

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What do you think? If you want to know more about Rodeo Belle, I'll gladly show the palette in my next post. Or, maybe you'd like to read about the Complete Eye Set brushes? Leave me a comment so I know what to write about. Until then, thanks for spending some time with me!

Monday, April 13, 2015

AVON Darivanje // Nutra Effects & Oriental Radiance

[ Bosnian Only ]

Kako sam sama nakon vise godina borbe pronasla odgavarajucu rutinu sto se njege koze tice, nisam spremna na eksperimentisanje sa novim proizvodima. Kad ih vec ne planiram koristiti, zeljela sam da neku od vas usrecim poklon paketicem Avon proizvoda namjenjenih u istu svrhu.

Spremila sam dva paketica za dvije dobitnice, 
a ispod mozete pogledati o cemu je rijec.

AVON Paket #1:

- Nutra Effects Active Seed Complex / Hydration / Daily Cream (SPF 15)

- Nutra Effects Active Seed Complex / Hydration / Gel-Cream (Light)

- Instinct / Mirisni Sprej za tijelo

Nutra Effects linija za njegu koze je novitet u Avonovoj ponudi.
Bitno je naglasiti da je sastav krema osmisljen oko sjemenki, poput Chia sjemenki u slucaju Hydration linije koju mozete osvojiti.
Kreme su alergoloski testirane, bez parabena i pogodne za osjetljivu kozu.
Osim osjetljive, Hydration linija je namjenjena onima sa suhom ili normalnom kozom.

AVON Paket #2:

- Planet Spa / Oriental Radiance with White Tea / Energising Face Mask

- Planet Spa / Oriental Radiance with White Tea / Balancing Facial Cleanser

- Planet Spa / Oriental Radiance with White Tea / Invigorating Face Polisher

Kako ucestvovati?


1. Darivanje je namjenjeno iskljucivo onima koji prate ovaj blog. Ako jos niste - tu je BlogLovin.

2. U komentaru ispod, zajedno sa vasim imenom i prezimenom, napisite koji bi paket voljeli osvojiti u slucaju da ste bas vi odabrani. 

3. Na facebook stranici The Belle Adventures ce ovaj post biti zakacen na vrhu tokom trajanja darivanja. Molim vas da taj post podijelite na svom profilu (public). A kad ste vec tu, mozete me pocastiti sa like-om stranice.

4. Pretplatite se na The Belle Adventures YouTube kanal.


5. Dvije pobjednice ce biti odabrane putem nasumicnog izvlacenja. Njihova imena cu postaviti iskljucivo na svoj Instagram profil. U slucaju da zelite biti obavjesteni o tome ko je osvojio darivanje, mozete me pratiti ovdje.

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- Darivanje je otvoreno za sve djevojke sa adresama prebivalista u BiH, Hrvatskoj i Srbiji.

- Darivanje traje do 30.04.2015.

- Pobjednice ce biti odabrane 02.05.2015.

- U slucaju da se odabrane djevojke ne jave 3 dana nakon izvlacenja, izvlacim ponovo nove pobjednike.

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S R E T N O !

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

NYX // Highlight & Contour Pro Palette

Trenutno jedan od najvecih trendova kozmetickih kuca su upravo ove palete za konturisanje u prahu. Od kada je izasla Anastasia Beverly Hills paleta, pomama po YouTube-u i blogovima je pocela, a ja sam je bezbroj puta stavljala i vadila iz korpe na njihovoj stranici. Na kraju je zdrav razum prevagnuo i nisam htjela riskirati troskove carine na svakako veliku svotu novca za paletu i postarinu. Nedavno sam vidjela i da je NYX izbacio svoju verziju, ali ono sto nisam ocekivala je da ce tako brzo biti dostupna da se poruci i kod nas na Alexandar Cosmetics. Jedan dan sam krenula sa namjerom da narucim Tame and Frame kremu za obrve, ali sam onda ugledala paletu i nisam mogla da odolim.

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One of the biggest trends of cosmetics companies currently are these powder contour palettes. Ever since Anastasia Beverly Hills launched their own, the craze began on YouTube and all over make up blogs. I went through many cycles of adding it to my cart and taking it out. In the end, I didn't cave and order it since I was too worried about the amount of customs I'd be charged for something that already costs a lot of money to be purchased and shipped. Recently I saw that NYX came out with their own version, but what I didn't expect is how fast it would be available in Bosnia on the Alexandar Cosmetics webshop. One day I wanted to order the Tame and Frame Brow Pomade, but then I saw the palette and I couldn't resist.

U ovoj paleti mozete pronaci 8 razlicitih nijansi, koje na zalost nemaju imena i koje se vrlo lako mogu izvaditi iz palete. Jedina zamjerka koju imam je to sto ih je nekoliko, tacnije tri sa blagim shimmerom (prva i zadnja u gornjem redu + druga u donjem), a ja bih vise voljela da je to rezervisano samo za ovu najsvijetliju koja pruza bas savrsen highlight. Osim toga, mozete primjetiti da je vecina tamnih nijansi toplog podtona sto teoretski ne prilici dobrom i uspjesnom konturisanju buduci da je citava poenta kreirati sjene na licu, a svi znamo da sjene nisu boje cokolade. Ali dovoljna je samo jedna da odgovara, a za mene je to treca po redu. Ostale se mogu koristiti u svrhu bronzera i ja zadovoljna.

Ono sto me pozitivno iznenadilo je velicina i pigmentacija. Iako je ovo neka najbezbolnija varijanta palete za konturisanje sto se novcanika tice, ipak i nije jefitna tako da je lijepo znati da je tu prisutna odredjena doza kvaliteta i da novac nije uzalud potrosen. Ono sto sam ja primjetila je da se tamnije nijanse bas i ne daju pretjerano blendati na kozi tako da preporucujem da krenete sa jako malo proizvoda na kistu i onda dodajete vise po potrebi.

Swatcheve svake nijanse necu ukljuciti jer sam odlucila kreirati look koristeci palettu kako na licu, tako i na ocima. Smatram da je to puno vise korisno nego da vam pokazujem cize na rukama. U slucaju da vas zanima kako sam postigla look, ili ako zelite vidjeti paletu u akciji, na samom dnu mozete pogledati i tutorijal u obliku videa.

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In this palette you'll find 8 different shades, which unfortunatelly don't have names. They can be removed and rearranged very easily. The only complaint I have is the fact that a few of them, or three to be exact, are shimmery (top row: first and last + bottom row: second), whereas I'd like for that to be the case with the lightest one only - which provides a perfect highlight for the face. Apart from that, you can see that most of the contour shades have a warm undertone. Theoretically, this doesn't suit a good contour, since the whole point is to mimic shadows on the face, and we all know shadows aren't chocolate brown. But, it only takes one good fit, and for me that would be the third one in the bottom row. The rest can be used as bronzers and I'm happy with that. 

I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of product and the pigmentation. Even though this is one of the cheapest palettes on the market, it still isn't really cheap... So it's nice to know that there's a certain dose of quality involved and that your money wasn't wasted. What I've noticed is that the contour shades aren't extremely blendable on the skin, so I recommend starting with a small amount and adding on more product as you see fit.

I won't be including any swatches because I decided to create a look using this palette on both my face and my eyes. I figured that would be a lot more useful that just showing you stripes of color on my arm. In case you're interested in finding out how I created the look, or if you want to see the performance of the shades in action - there will be a video tutorial at the very end of the post.

Da li ste vi probali ovu paletu i da li uopste primjenjujete tehnike konturisanja kada se sminkate?
Hvala sto ste proveli malo svog vremena samnom!

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Have you tried this palette and are you even in the habit of highlighting and contouring when you do your make up? Thanks for spending some time with me!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Valentines Day Tutorial // Date Night Vamp

Za ovaj look sam odlucila isprobati par stvari koje inace ne radim. 
Jako naglasen donji kapak, sto izbjegavam jer imam osjecaj da mi ne stoji buduci da imam oblik ociju kakav imam - medjutim u ovom slucaju mi se svidjelo jer se proteze u ostru liniju na vanjskom kutu oka. 
Umjetne trepavice koje sam prvi put zalijepila ispod prirodnih. Da, bilo je suza i trebala su neka 2-3 pokusaja, medjutim ne moze se uporediti sa normalnim nacinom nanosenja trepavica. Traka se uopste ne vidi, i kad se pogleda prema dole trepavice nemaju onaj vjestacki odsjaj jer su sakrivene ispod prirodnih. Definitivno je vrijedilo suza!
Htjela sam uraditi nesto neobicno, a da je u isto vrijeme veoma lako postici za malo vremena.

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For this look I decided to try out a couple of things I don't normally do.
The very defined lower lid is something I normally avoid because I have a feeling that it brings everything down and doesn't suit my hooded lids that desperately need lifting. However, I really liked it paired with this sharp line stretching out from the outer corner of the eye.
The false lashes I applied under my natural ones. Yes, there were tears and it took me 2-3 attempts to finally get them to stick. But there's no comparing the difference! The band cannot be seen, and when you look down, there's no obvious reflection from the fake lashes since they're hidden underneath your own. It was definitely worth the tears!
I wanted to do something unusual, but still very simple to recreate in a matter of minutes.

P R O I Z V O D I // P R O D U C T S:

Benefit POREfessional
L'Oreal Lumi Magique Primer
Estee Lauder Double Wear (1N1)
NYX HD Concealer (Porcelain)
Essence All About Matt! Fixing Powder
NYX Blush (Taupe)

Avon Eyeshadow Base
MUG Creme Brulee
Sleek Oh So Special Eyeshadow Palette
MUG Mango Tango
Ardell Demi Wispies

Anastasia Beverly Hills Dipbrow Pomade (Ebony)

Alverde Lipliner
NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream (Transylvania)

Monday, January 12, 2015

Benefit // Stay Flawless 15-Hour Primer

[Bosnian --- English]

Ja imam veliki problem sto se kozmetike tice, a to je da patim za prajmerima. Najdosadnija vrsta proizvoda, a ja ne mogu da odolim a da ne probam na koji god naletim. Prajmer je neizostavan dio moje rutine iz dva razloga, zavisno od vrste za koju sam taj dan raspolozena da koristim - jer imam masnu kozu pa zelim sto vise produziti trajnost sminke na licu, ili da eventualno izgladim kozu sto je vise moguce buduci da su me zapikale prosirene pore na podrucju nosa.

Benefit je marka koja je meni vrlo draga jer proizvode dvije stvari bez kojih ne mogu zamisliti svoj zivot. Dobro, pretjerujem, ali znate vec na sta mislim. To su They're Real maskara i POREfessional. Buduci da je izuzetno tesko nabaviti njihove proizvode u BiH, a i to da nisu nimalo jeftini, nisam probala previse razlicitih proizvoda. Vodjena pozitivnim iskustvom sa POREfessional prajmerom, ocekivala sam velike pluseve i od ovog Stay Flawless-a. Odmah cemo se rijesiti ovog marketinskog trika o 15 sati, te je od sad samo Stay Flawless!

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I have a huge problem as far as make up goes, and that is my obsession with primers. The most boring and uninteresting type of product, and I can't resit trying any and every one I come across. Primers are a big must in my routine, and there's two reasons why, depending on what mood I'm in - because I have oily skin and I'd like to prolong the lasting power of my make up, or I want to smooth out the surface of my skin as much as possible since I suffer from enlarged pores on and around my nose.

Benefit is a brand that's really near and dear to my heart. This is because they make two things that I can't imagine my life without. Okay, I'm totally exaggerating, but you catch my drift. What I'm talking about is the They're Real Mascara and the POREfessional. Since it's incredibly difficult to get your hands on Benefit products if you live where I do, and the fact that they are a bit on the pricier side, I haven't tried a vast array of their products. Led by my positive experience with the POREfessional primer, I expected big things from the Stay Flawless. We're getting rid of this marketing ploy of 15 hours right off the bat, so from now on it's just Stay Flawless.

Misljenja o ovom proizvodu su podijeljena u beauty svijetu. Na Sephorinoj stranici je dobio svega 3 od 5 zvijezdica. Ja sam ga neko vrijeme testirala i smartam da sad mogu iznijeti potpune utiske. Ovo je proizvod namijenjen svim tipovima koze, koji u sebi ne sadrzi parabene. Navodno cini da lice izgleda svjeze i besprijekorno i do 15 sati, sto sam vec spomenula da bas i nije tacno, pogotovo na masnoj kozi. Proizvod je nevidljiv i ne ostavlja za sobom nikakav trag boje koju vidimo u ambalazi. Iz Benefita tvrde da je istrazivanje pokazalo da je 94% - 97% zena izjavilo da im produzava dugotrajnost pudera, popravlja izgled koze, i povecava moc prekrivanja pudera.
Ono sa cime se ne slazem je da proizvod popravlja izgled koze. Ovo nije prajmer koji se moze nositi sam, kao sto je to POREfessional koji pored popunjavanja pora isto tako izjednacava ten. Medjutim, to nije velika stvar buduci da je kod prajmera ove vrste najbitnije to da drzi sve na mjestu sto je duze moguce. Naime, nacin na koji se treba koristiti je da se nanese na lice direktno iz pakovanja i da se zatim odmah preko nanese podloga, te da se zajedno razmazu. Da budem iskrena, ne mislim cak ni da sam primjetila neku razliku u prekrivanju pudera u kombinaciji sa ovim proizvodom.

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Thoughts on this product vary quite a bit in the beauty world. On Sephora's website, it got an average 3 out of 5 stars. I've tested it out for quite some time and I feel that now I can give you a complete opinion. This product is meant for all skin types, and it doesn't contain any parabens. Supposedly, it keeps the face looking fresh and flawless up to 15 hours, which I've already mentioned is quite a stretch, especially for oily skin. The product is invisible and it doesn't leave behind any traces of the color it appears to be in the tube. Benefit claims that research has shown that 94% - 97% of women have said that it helps foundation stay on longer, improves the appearance of the complexion, and increases foundation coverage. What I do not agree with is the improvement in complexion. This isn't a primer that can be worn on it's own, like the POREfessional which evens out the skintone. However, that isn't a big deal since the most important thing for this type of primer is to keep everything in place as long as possible. The way it's meant to be applied is straight from the tube, all over the face, followed immediately by foundation to be blended together on the face. To be honest, I don't think I've noticed any increase in coverage either.

Ambalaza je nesto sto mnogima smeta kod ovog proizvoda. Buduci da je u stiku i da se treba nanositi direktno na lice, mnogi se zale da to i nije bas higijenski, pogotovo ako na licu imate probleme u vidu akni ili drugih necistoca. Ja cak mislim da je odlicno pakovanje i da se ovako moze puno bolje kontrolisati koliko proizvoda se koristi. Sto se higijene tice, odmah nakon svake upotrebe jednostavno predjem preko njega sa obicnom maramicom, sto skine gornji sloj koji je bio u dodiru sa kozom prije nego sto bakterije mogu uci dublje u proizvod. Ono sto je meni posebno zanimljivo kod Stay Flawless-a je to da je jako ljepljiv, te stvarno ostavlja utisak da puder ima za sta da se uhvati i ne klizi sa lica u toku dana! Drugi prajmeri koje sam koristila nisu bili takvi i vise su se cinili samo kao neki vid barijere izmedju koze i pudera. Dakle, definitivno produzuje trajnost podloge, ali isto tako se jako dobro pokazao u borbi protiv isijavanja i izbijanja masnoce na licu. Nakon 6-8 sati masnoca se pojavljuje na mom celu i u pregibima nosa, medjutim ne u pretjeranoj kolicini.

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The packaging is what really irks people about this primer. Since it is in a stick, and is meant to be applied directly from the stick to the face, many complain about the process being unhygienic, especially if you have acne, breakouts, or other impurities on your skin. I, on the other hand, really like the packaging and feel like it's a lot easier to control the amount of product I use like this. As far as hygiene goes, I make sure to wipe off the top layer with a regular tissue immediately after application. This get's rid of that layer that was in contact with the skin before the bacteria can seep deeper into the product. What I find really interesting is the fact that it's very sticky, so it leaves the impression that the foundation actually has something to grab on to so it doesn't slide off your face during the day! Other primers I've used simply seem to act as a barrier between my skin and my foundation. So, it most definitely prolongs the wear of your make up, but it's also shown to be great at keeping the oil at bay so I don't look like a ball of grease after a while. After 6-8 hours I do get oily on my forehead and around my nostrils, but nothing too bad.  

Pogotovo me raduje cinjenica da mi nije prouzrokovao nikakve probleme na licu, sto nikad nije sigurno sa mojom osjetljivom kozom! Osim toga i mirise jako svjeze sto se meni strasno dopada. Da predjemo na stvari koje bas i nisu po mom, prva je, naravno cijena. Za Stay Flawless potrebno je izdvojiti $32, sto je po mom misljenju jako puno novca. Osim cijene, koliko god je dobra stvar to sto je ljepljiv - toliko je i losa jer je jako tesko raditi sa proizvodom; to jeste, ne razmazuje se lako. Sve u svemu, proizvod nije nimalo los - mada su dosta pretjerali sa reklamom. Da li mi je najdrazi prajmer? Za produzavanje trajnosti sminke, trenutno da. Da li mislim da ne postoji bolji? Naravno da ne mislim. Stoga, dajem mu ocjenu 4/5!

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I'm especially happy with the fact that it hasn't caused me to break out, which is never a given for my sensitive skin! Apart from that, I also love the fact that it smells so fresh. But, let's get to the things that I'm not that into - of course, the price! For the Stay Flawless Primer, you'll need to part from $32, which is a whole lot of money if you ask me. Other than the price, the fact that it's sticky can also be a bad thing because it's extremely difficult to work with the product; in other words, it doesn't spread easily. All in all, this product isn't bad in the least bit - but I will say they really took it too far with the advertisement claims. Is it my favorite primer? To help make up stay on longer, currently yes. Do I think it's the best one out there? Of course not. So, I give it a 4/5!

Da li ste vi mozda probali ovaj prajmer? Ako da, kakvi su vama utisci?
Ako ne, koji preporucujete?
Hvala sto ste izdvojili malo vremena za mene!

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Have you tried this primer? If yes, what did you think?
If not, which one would you recommend?
Thank you for spending some time with me!