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Monday, January 12, 2015

Benefit // Stay Flawless 15-Hour Primer

[Bosnian --- English]

Ja imam veliki problem sto se kozmetike tice, a to je da patim za prajmerima. Najdosadnija vrsta proizvoda, a ja ne mogu da odolim a da ne probam na koji god naletim. Prajmer je neizostavan dio moje rutine iz dva razloga, zavisno od vrste za koju sam taj dan raspolozena da koristim - jer imam masnu kozu pa zelim sto vise produziti trajnost sminke na licu, ili da eventualno izgladim kozu sto je vise moguce buduci da su me zapikale prosirene pore na podrucju nosa.

Benefit je marka koja je meni vrlo draga jer proizvode dvije stvari bez kojih ne mogu zamisliti svoj zivot. Dobro, pretjerujem, ali znate vec na sta mislim. To su They're Real maskara i POREfessional. Buduci da je izuzetno tesko nabaviti njihove proizvode u BiH, a i to da nisu nimalo jeftini, nisam probala previse razlicitih proizvoda. Vodjena pozitivnim iskustvom sa POREfessional prajmerom, ocekivala sam velike pluseve i od ovog Stay Flawless-a. Odmah cemo se rijesiti ovog marketinskog trika o 15 sati, te je od sad samo Stay Flawless!

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I have a huge problem as far as make up goes, and that is my obsession with primers. The most boring and uninteresting type of product, and I can't resit trying any and every one I come across. Primers are a big must in my routine, and there's two reasons why, depending on what mood I'm in - because I have oily skin and I'd like to prolong the lasting power of my make up, or I want to smooth out the surface of my skin as much as possible since I suffer from enlarged pores on and around my nose.

Benefit is a brand that's really near and dear to my heart. This is because they make two things that I can't imagine my life without. Okay, I'm totally exaggerating, but you catch my drift. What I'm talking about is the They're Real Mascara and the POREfessional. Since it's incredibly difficult to get your hands on Benefit products if you live where I do, and the fact that they are a bit on the pricier side, I haven't tried a vast array of their products. Led by my positive experience with the POREfessional primer, I expected big things from the Stay Flawless. We're getting rid of this marketing ploy of 15 hours right off the bat, so from now on it's just Stay Flawless.

Misljenja o ovom proizvodu su podijeljena u beauty svijetu. Na Sephorinoj stranici je dobio svega 3 od 5 zvijezdica. Ja sam ga neko vrijeme testirala i smartam da sad mogu iznijeti potpune utiske. Ovo je proizvod namijenjen svim tipovima koze, koji u sebi ne sadrzi parabene. Navodno cini da lice izgleda svjeze i besprijekorno i do 15 sati, sto sam vec spomenula da bas i nije tacno, pogotovo na masnoj kozi. Proizvod je nevidljiv i ne ostavlja za sobom nikakav trag boje koju vidimo u ambalazi. Iz Benefita tvrde da je istrazivanje pokazalo da je 94% - 97% zena izjavilo da im produzava dugotrajnost pudera, popravlja izgled koze, i povecava moc prekrivanja pudera.
Ono sa cime se ne slazem je da proizvod popravlja izgled koze. Ovo nije prajmer koji se moze nositi sam, kao sto je to POREfessional koji pored popunjavanja pora isto tako izjednacava ten. Medjutim, to nije velika stvar buduci da je kod prajmera ove vrste najbitnije to da drzi sve na mjestu sto je duze moguce. Naime, nacin na koji se treba koristiti je da se nanese na lice direktno iz pakovanja i da se zatim odmah preko nanese podloga, te da se zajedno razmazu. Da budem iskrena, ne mislim cak ni da sam primjetila neku razliku u prekrivanju pudera u kombinaciji sa ovim proizvodom.

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Thoughts on this product vary quite a bit in the beauty world. On Sephora's website, it got an average 3 out of 5 stars. I've tested it out for quite some time and I feel that now I can give you a complete opinion. This product is meant for all skin types, and it doesn't contain any parabens. Supposedly, it keeps the face looking fresh and flawless up to 15 hours, which I've already mentioned is quite a stretch, especially for oily skin. The product is invisible and it doesn't leave behind any traces of the color it appears to be in the tube. Benefit claims that research has shown that 94% - 97% of women have said that it helps foundation stay on longer, improves the appearance of the complexion, and increases foundation coverage. What I do not agree with is the improvement in complexion. This isn't a primer that can be worn on it's own, like the POREfessional which evens out the skintone. However, that isn't a big deal since the most important thing for this type of primer is to keep everything in place as long as possible. The way it's meant to be applied is straight from the tube, all over the face, followed immediately by foundation to be blended together on the face. To be honest, I don't think I've noticed any increase in coverage either.

Ambalaza je nesto sto mnogima smeta kod ovog proizvoda. Buduci da je u stiku i da se treba nanositi direktno na lice, mnogi se zale da to i nije bas higijenski, pogotovo ako na licu imate probleme u vidu akni ili drugih necistoca. Ja cak mislim da je odlicno pakovanje i da se ovako moze puno bolje kontrolisati koliko proizvoda se koristi. Sto se higijene tice, odmah nakon svake upotrebe jednostavno predjem preko njega sa obicnom maramicom, sto skine gornji sloj koji je bio u dodiru sa kozom prije nego sto bakterije mogu uci dublje u proizvod. Ono sto je meni posebno zanimljivo kod Stay Flawless-a je to da je jako ljepljiv, te stvarno ostavlja utisak da puder ima za sta da se uhvati i ne klizi sa lica u toku dana! Drugi prajmeri koje sam koristila nisu bili takvi i vise su se cinili samo kao neki vid barijere izmedju koze i pudera. Dakle, definitivno produzuje trajnost podloge, ali isto tako se jako dobro pokazao u borbi protiv isijavanja i izbijanja masnoce na licu. Nakon 6-8 sati masnoca se pojavljuje na mom celu i u pregibima nosa, medjutim ne u pretjeranoj kolicini.

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The packaging is what really irks people about this primer. Since it is in a stick, and is meant to be applied directly from the stick to the face, many complain about the process being unhygienic, especially if you have acne, breakouts, or other impurities on your skin. I, on the other hand, really like the packaging and feel like it's a lot easier to control the amount of product I use like this. As far as hygiene goes, I make sure to wipe off the top layer with a regular tissue immediately after application. This get's rid of that layer that was in contact with the skin before the bacteria can seep deeper into the product. What I find really interesting is the fact that it's very sticky, so it leaves the impression that the foundation actually has something to grab on to so it doesn't slide off your face during the day! Other primers I've used simply seem to act as a barrier between my skin and my foundation. So, it most definitely prolongs the wear of your make up, but it's also shown to be great at keeping the oil at bay so I don't look like a ball of grease after a while. After 6-8 hours I do get oily on my forehead and around my nostrils, but nothing too bad.  

Pogotovo me raduje cinjenica da mi nije prouzrokovao nikakve probleme na licu, sto nikad nije sigurno sa mojom osjetljivom kozom! Osim toga i mirise jako svjeze sto se meni strasno dopada. Da predjemo na stvari koje bas i nisu po mom, prva je, naravno cijena. Za Stay Flawless potrebno je izdvojiti $32, sto je po mom misljenju jako puno novca. Osim cijene, koliko god je dobra stvar to sto je ljepljiv - toliko je i losa jer je jako tesko raditi sa proizvodom; to jeste, ne razmazuje se lako. Sve u svemu, proizvod nije nimalo los - mada su dosta pretjerali sa reklamom. Da li mi je najdrazi prajmer? Za produzavanje trajnosti sminke, trenutno da. Da li mislim da ne postoji bolji? Naravno da ne mislim. Stoga, dajem mu ocjenu 4/5!

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I'm especially happy with the fact that it hasn't caused me to break out, which is never a given for my sensitive skin! Apart from that, I also love the fact that it smells so fresh. But, let's get to the things that I'm not that into - of course, the price! For the Stay Flawless Primer, you'll need to part from $32, which is a whole lot of money if you ask me. Other than the price, the fact that it's sticky can also be a bad thing because it's extremely difficult to work with the product; in other words, it doesn't spread easily. All in all, this product isn't bad in the least bit - but I will say they really took it too far with the advertisement claims. Is it my favorite primer? To help make up stay on longer, currently yes. Do I think it's the best one out there? Of course not. So, I give it a 4/5!

Da li ste vi mozda probali ovaj prajmer? Ako da, kakvi su vama utisci?
Ako ne, koji preporucujete?
Hvala sto ste izdvojili malo vremena za mene!

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Have you tried this primer? If yes, what did you think?
If not, which one would you recommend?
Thank you for spending some time with me!

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