Kada sam isprva planirala uraditi ovaj post i video, totalno sam precijenila svoju kolekciju tamnih ruzeva. Desava li se vama ikada da provodite toliko vremena stavljajuci proizvode u razne korpe na raznim stranicama, nikad ih ustvari ne narucite, ali imate osjecaj kao da jeste? Ili sam to samo ja.
Medjutim, ipak sam ostala sa idejom za Top 10 nijansi za video, jer ne vole svi vamp boje, niti ima neka ogromna kolicina varijacija na iste, a da nisu pretjerano slicne.
When I first planned to do this post and video, I totally overestimated my dark lipsticks collection. Do you ever spend so much time putting products in your various baskets on various online shopping sites, and you never actually order them, but you feel like you have? Or maybe that's just me.
Nevertheless, I decided to stick with the Top 10 idea for the video, because not everyone likes vampy colors, nor are there many variations of them out there without being too similar.
U videu sam krenula logicnim slijedom nanosenja nijansi, dakle od najsvijetlije do najtamnije. U postu cu da promijenim redoslijed po licnom dopadanju, tako da krecem od meni najdrazih, do onih manje drazih boja. Isto tako, da ovaj post ne bih pisala do sutra, detaljno cu opisati samo prvih 5 ruzeva, igrom slucaja najtamnijih, dok ostatak mozete pogledati u videu.
In the video, I followed the logical course of applying the shades from the lightest to the darkest. In this post, I'm going to change the order according to personal preference, so I'll start with my most favorite ones, followed by the ones I still like, just not as much. Also, since I don't want to be writing this post until tomorrow, I'll go into detailed descriptions of only the first 5 shades, which happen to be the darkest ones, while the rest you can see in the video.
Ako bih morala izabrati jednu jedinu nijansu da nosim do kraja zivota, ovo bi definitivno bila ta! Smatram da su maksimalno promasili naziv ove nijanse, jer nimalo ne podsjeca na boju sleza. Ja bih opisala ovu nijansu kao tamnu bordo boju, skoro bez ikakve primjese ljubicastih nijansi. Pod studio osvjetljenjem boja izgleda primjetno svjetlija nego sto u stvarnosti jeste. Ovaj proizvod sam sasvim slucajno nasla, trazeci nesto sto se moze porediti sa Melt Cosmetics 6six6 ruzem jer je vjecno rasprodat. Jos jedan plus dajem za ambalazu, cisto zato sto se veoma lako nanosi zbog izgleda jumbo olovke. Tekstura je izuzetno kremasta, sto meni inace ne odgovara jer volim mat finishe, ali mi se u ovom slucaju cak i svidja. Kao sto i sam naziv proizvoda kaze, olovku ne treba siljiti vec se zavrce donji dio ambalaze da bi vise proizvoda izaslo. Ovaj ruz ima jako suptilan miris koji me najvise podsjeca na marshmallow slatkise.
If I had to pick only one shade to wear for the rest of my life, it would definitely be this one! I think that they completely missed the mark on naming this color, because it isn't mauve at all. I would describe this as a dark burgundy shade, with almost no tinge of purple whatsoever. Under the studio lighting, it looks noticeably lighter than it actually is. I found this product while I was searching for something comparable to Melt Cosmetics 6six6, since it seemed to be out of stock forever. Another plus goes to the packaging, just because it's so easy to apply due to the Jumbo pencil look. The texture is extremely creamy, which I usually don't like since I'm a big fan of matte finishes, but I don't mind it at all in this case. As the name of the product says, there is no need to sharpen the pencil because it twists up from the bottom of the packaging in order for more product to come out. This lipstick has a very subtle scent that mostly reminds me of marshmallows.
NYX Macaron Lippie // Chambord
Dok je mnogima nezamislivo nositi crni ruz, ja ne mogu da opisem kako se dobro osjecam dok ga imam na sebi. Ovaj ruz je sasvim pristojno pigmentovan za jednu pristupacnu drogerijsku opciju. Dosta je dugotrajan sto je uvijek pozitivno. Ono sto sam primjetila da mnogima smeta kod ove kolekcije ruzeva je pakovanje, jer se cini kao da ruz nije fixiran. Moj se malo trese, ali bar ne ispada kao sto sam vidjala kod drugih. Da budem iskrena, nisam ocekivala da ce biti ovoliko kremast, pogotovo kad su u pitanju ove neke lude boje, tako da sam se pozitivno iznenadila pri prvom nanosenju. Njega sam kupila prvenstveno zbog toga sto sam htjela da vidim da li ce mi odgovarati crni ruz prije nego se odlucim na kupovinu Lime Crime Velvetines Black Velvet koji je dosta skuplji, ali je zato i puno kvalitetniji, a uz to je i mat.
While many find it unimaginable to wear black lipstick, I can't even describe how good it makes me feel to have this on. The pigmentation of this lipstick is quite decent for an affordable drugstore option. It's fairly long-lasting, which is always a good thing. What I've noticed is that many people have a problem with the packaging of the Macaron Lippies, because it seems as though the lipstick itself isn't secured tightly. Mine shakes a little bit, but at least it doesn't fall out which I've seen them do for others. To be honest, I didn't expect it to be as creamy, especially considering that it's a wild color, so I was pleasantly surprised when I put it on the first time. I bought this mainly because I wanted to see if I would like how black looks on me before splurging on the Lime Crime Velvetines Black Velvet, which is a lot more expensive, but also better quality and matte.
Rimmel London Lasting Finish by Kate // 04
Sve dok je Rimmel-a, ne osjecam potrebu za MAC ruzevima. Po meni je ovo skoro pa savrsena zamjena za MAC Cyber. Ne znam ni sta mi je bilo pa sam ga kupila u Praskom dm-u prije dvije godine kada me apsolutno nisu zanimale tamne nijanse ruzeva, ali drago mi je da jesam jer, koliko sam shvatila, kod nas nije nikada bio dostupan bas ovaj #04. Ovaj ruz za mene ima sentimentalnu vrijednost jer sam ga prvi put nosila u svom prvom videu. Nijansa je hladna tamno ljubicasta, znaci nimalo ne podsjeca na bobicasto voce, osim na kupine i borovnice. Ima standardni miris Rimmel-ovih ruzeva i ugladjeno crno pakovanje sa potpisom od Kate Moss.
As long as there's Rimmel, I don't feel a need for MAC lipsticks. As far as I'm concerned, this works as an almost perfect dupe for MAC Cyber. I don't even know what got into me when I bought this a couple years ago in Prague, because back then I had no interest in dark lipsticks. But, I'm so glad I did, because as far as I know, this particular shade was never available in Bosnia. This lipstick has huge sentimental value because I wore it for the first time in my very first YouTube video. The shade is a cool toned dark purple, it's not a berry shade, unless you're thinking of blackberries. The lipstick has a standard Rimmel scent and sleek black packaging with Kate's signature on the lid.
Rimmel London Lasting Finish // Cutting Edge 120
Kao i sto sam rekla za prosli ruz, posjedovanje ovog me natjeralo da zaboravim na kupovinu MAC Heroine. Iako nisu iste nijanse, za mene su dovoljno slicne da ustedim novac. Ovaj ruz je savrsen za nekoga ko zeli tranziciju u tamne nijanse. Za razliku od prethodnog, ovaj je ljubicast sa crvenim podtonom, tako da se moze reci da posjeca na boju vina i odlicno stoji svima, mada pogotovo djevojkama sa svjetlijom kosom zbog kontrasta. Pakovanje je standardno, kao i miris. Njega sam bas dosta nosila i bio je moj prvi tamniji ruz.
As I said about the previous lipstick, owning this one made me forget about buying MAC Heroine. Even though it's not an exact dupe, it's similar enough for me to save some money. This lipstick is perfect for those who want to transition into dark shades. Unlike the last lipstick, this one is a purple with red undertones, so you can say that it's a wine shade and it suits everyone, especially girls with lighter hair due to the contrast it creates. The packaging is standard, as is the scent. I've gotten a lot of wear out of this one and it was my first darker lipstick.
Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet // 08 Grand Cru
Ovaj ruz sam kupila isto u potrazi za nijansom poput Melt Cosmetics 6six6, i ocigledno me nije odusevio ni priblizno kao onaj pod brojem jedan. Svi testeri na koje sam naisla su bili dosta isuseni tako da ga nikad nisam ni isprobala na ruci kako treba, ali sam ga non stop gledala pri posjetama drogeriji tako da sam se odlucila da ga uzmem. Iako nije ni priblizno taman kao u pakovanju, ipak je jako lijepa nijansa. Doslovno klizi po usnama pri nanosenju i ostavlja barsunasto mekan finish koji vremenom postaje totalno mat. Jako je dugotrajan i lagan na usnama. Jedina stvar koja mi se ne dopada, osim prevelike cijene, je miris, ili bolje receno smrad ovog proizvoda. Voljela bih da sam vjesta u opisivanju ovih stvari pa da mogu nekako da prikazem koliko odvratno smrdi, ali najbolje sto mogu je da kazem je da podsjeca na neki grozni lijek.
I bought this lipstick as well while searching for that Melt Cosmetics 6six6 dupe, and it obviously didn't wow me nearly as much as the first one did. All the testers at the drugstore were very dried out so I never really got the chance to get a proper swatch on my hand, but I kept reaching for it every time I was there so I decided to just buy it. Although it's not nearly as dark as the packaging, it's still a very pretty shade. It literally glides onto the lips while applying and leaves a soft velvety finish that becomes completely matte over time. It's very long-lasting and lightweight on the lips. The only thing I don't like, apart from the steep pricing, is the scent, or better said the stink of this product. I wish I was crafty at describing smells so that I could somehow translate how horrid this smells, but the best I can do is to compare it to some awful medicine.
NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream // Transylvania
Doslovno sam poludila za ovom nijansom kada sam je ugledala na ekranu svog laptopa prvi put. Apsolutno sam morala da narucim i ovaj Soft Matte Lip Cream. Imala sam doista velika ocekivanja buduci da vec imam par ovih formula koje mi se neizmjerno dopadaju, medjutim ovaj me totalno razocarao. Iako je stvarno prelijepe boje, toliko ga je tesko ravnomjerno nanijeti da je gotovo nemoguce. Pogotovo za nekog poput mene ko ima ispucale i suhe usne, totalna je nocna mora. Sto je najgore, intenzitet se ne moze postepeno graditi jer koliko god da sacekam da se prvi sloj osusi, cetkica pobrise pola ruza koji je vec na usnama pri novom nanosu. Pored toga, jako brzo nestaje sa vanjskih kutaka. Jedino nisam imala ovih problema kada prvo odradim eksfolijaciju usana prije aplikacije, ali nema se uvijek vremena i zivaca za to. Ne znam ni zasto, ali ipak mi je drag iako je pegla. Mirise na vanilu i cappuccino.
I literally went nuts when I fist saw this shade on my laptop screen. I absolutely had to have it! I had very high hopes for this one, because I already own a few of these Soft Matte Lip Creams that I absolutely love. However, this one was a total disappointment for me. Even though it really is a beautiful shade, it's so hard to get an even application that it's almost impossible. Especially for someone like me who has dry and chapped lips, it's a total nightmare. The worst part is that it's not even buildable, because no matter how long I wait for the first layer to dry, the applicator wipes half of the product off my lips while applying the second layer. Apart from that, it fades extremely quickly from the outer corners. The only way I've managed to avoid this is to exfoliate my lips before applying it, but I don't always have time for that. I don't even know why, but I still like it, even if it is so high-maintanance. It smells like vanilla and cappuccino.
Stigli smo do kraja vjerovatno mog prvog posta na kojeg sam stvarno ponosna i u koji sam ulozila dosta truda, sto od sada namjeravam redovno raditi. Nadam se da ste uzivali kako u rijecima, tako i u slikama zbog kojih sam trcala u Konzum, 5 minuta do kraja radnog vremena da kupim bijelu podlogu, a i uganula ledja slikajuci... Hvala sto ste odvojili malo vremena za moj blog. Na dnu vam ostavljam i video u slucaju da vas zanima kako ruzevi izgledaju na usnama.
We've made it to the end of the first post that I'm really proud of and into which I've put in a lot of effort, which I plan do to from now on. I hope you enjoyed the text and the photos, because of which I had to run to the supermarket 5 minutes before closing time to get a white background, and also sprained my back while taking them... Thanks for taking the time to stop by my blog. I'll leave you the video on the bottom of this post in case you'd like to see how the lipsticks look when applied.
Koji od ovih ruzeva bi vi rado nosili u prestojecim hladnim danima?
Puno bi mi znacilo da podijelite samnom misljenja o kvalitetu posta kako bih znala da li idem pravim putem prema postepenom poboljsanju.
Which one of these lipsticks would you like to wear in the upcoming cold days?
It would mean a lot to me if you shared your thoughts on the quality of this post so that I can know if I'm headed in the right direction.
Stigli smo do kraja vjerovatno mog prvog posta na kojeg sam stvarno ponosna i u koji sam ulozila dosta truda, sto od sada namjeravam redovno raditi. Nadam se da ste uzivali kako u rijecima, tako i u slikama zbog kojih sam trcala u Konzum, 5 minuta do kraja radnog vremena da kupim bijelu podlogu, a i uganula ledja slikajuci... Hvala sto ste odvojili malo vremena za moj blog. Na dnu vam ostavljam i video u slucaju da vas zanima kako ruzevi izgledaju na usnama.
We've made it to the end of the first post that I'm really proud of and into which I've put in a lot of effort, which I plan do to from now on. I hope you enjoyed the text and the photos, because of which I had to run to the supermarket 5 minutes before closing time to get a white background, and also sprained my back while taking them... Thanks for taking the time to stop by my blog. I'll leave you the video on the bottom of this post in case you'd like to see how the lipsticks look when applied.
Koji od ovih ruzeva bi vi rado nosili u prestojecim hladnim danima?
Puno bi mi znacilo da podijelite samnom misljenja o kvalitetu posta kako bih znala da li idem pravim putem prema postepenom poboljsanju.
Which one of these lipsticks would you like to wear in the upcoming cold days?
It would mean a lot to me if you shared your thoughts on the quality of this post so that I can know if I'm headed in the right direction.
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